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Joe Joyce, the British heavyweight boxer, has made it clear that he will not be retiring from the sport anytime soon. Despite suffering a defeat in his recent rematch against Zhilei Zhang, Joyce remains determined to challenge at the top level and prove himself as one of the best in the division.

The highly anticipated rematch between Joyce and Zhang took place on [insert date] and ended in a unanimous decision victory for Zhang. It was a disappointing result for Joyce, who had hoped to avenge his previous loss to Zhang and solidify his position in the heavyweight rankings.

However, Joyce has shown great resilience throughout his career and believes that this setback will only make him stronger. He has always been known for his relentless work ethic and dedication to the sport, and he is determined to continue improving and learning from every fight.

In a recent interview, Joyce expressed his disappointment but also his determination to bounce back from this loss. He acknowledged that Zhang was a tough opponent and gave him credit for his performance, but he is not willing to let this defeat define him.

Joyce’s goal is to challenge at the top level of the heavyweight division and eventually become a world champion. He understands that setbacks are a part of the journey and that they can often provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

Despite the loss, Joyce’s performance in the rematch was commendable. He showed great heart and determination, never backing down and pushing forward even when things were not going his way. This is a testament to his character and his unwavering belief in his abilities.

Looking ahead, Joyce is already planning his next move. He is eager to get back in the ring and prove himself once again. He knows that he has the skills and the mindset to compete with the best in the division, and he is determined to showcase that in his future fights.

In conclusion, Joe Joyce’s recent rematch loss to Zhilei Zhang may have been a setback, but it is by no means the end of his career. Joyce remains determined to challenge at the top level and prove himself as one of the best in the heavyweight division. His resilience, work ethic, and unwavering belief in his abilities will undoubtedly play a crucial role in his journey towards achieving his ultimate goal – becoming a world champion.

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